Monthly Archives: November 2013

L| Exotic Gentle Ponytail [Girls/Head]

Hey guys, I finally finished a new head for you all ❤ Will be busy with finals week approaching, but I hope you like it! 

Also, starting to label my posts with [gender/type of upload] to make things easier for the search bar.

Terms of Use (please read before uploading)

– Anybody is free to upload/recolor/edit any of my work that I post on this blog. My logo isn’t required for editing/recoloring.

– Please oh please credit me if you upload any of my work♥ I work hard on my free heads and bodies, and this is the only thing I ask for. I’m definitely not asking for you to change your status to credit me (although I’m touched :D ), but if somebody asks you who made your head/body, then please say “Latte” or give them this blog address. (The tinyurl is Thank you for all your awesome support! Everyone’s been great about spreading the blog around Graal for me♥♥ Ily guys so much! C:


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Please be patient with me </3

Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been posting lately </3 College has been super crazy busy lately.

On an up side, I finally created a deviantArt account! <– that’s the link to check it out. It’ll contain my digital painting things mostly, not really my pixel art.

I’d make this post longer with more personal life updates, but I have so much work to do omg @_@ DON’T SKIP CLASS IN COLLEGE GUYS, IT’S ALL BAD WHEN YOU’RE WRITING AN ESSAY ABOUT THINGS YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT. Wish me luck ;u;